Monday, 10 June 2013

SOTA Activation Near Boroka Lookout VK3/VW-007

From Shepparton drove across to Bendigo, Maryborough, Avoca, Ararat and Halls Gap. Stopped along the way at morning tea and lunch to work Wayne VK3WAM on SOTA peaks, just using the SOTA station in parks.

Drove up to Boroka Lookout, about a half hour drive from Halls Gap. The SOTA summitt is a high rocky area above the tourist lookout, behind the toilets...

Involved a few hundred metres of scrub bashing. and clambering over rocks. The summit area proved tricky getting a squid pole and dipole up. First attempt hoisted the squid pole up into an overhanging tree...found a clearer spot and got it up.

Bit of a dogs breakfast getting the dipole wires out, but got something up.

Set up the radio on a rocky outcrop.

Got on 40m, worked 23 contacts, including 2 S2S with Paul VK5PAS and Wayne, VK3WAM.

After the activation had a look at the actual tourist lookout, good views.

1 comment:

  1. Sensational view there Ian, and great to have the s2s in the log. Your signal was genuinely strong excellent 5/8.
    Best 73,

