Monday 29 March 2021

Sunday 28 March 2021

YB9 Indonesia Awards

YB9 area Indonesia recently released a lot of new awards via the European Ros Club award scheme. As fairly easy to work for me able to claim several award levels.

2 stations

5 stations

10 stations

15 stations

25 stations


Friday 26 March 2021

30m Worked All Continents Award

Have been working a lot of FT8 lately on the 30m band, and finally managed to workt South America (Ecuador) on 30m, completing all continents for the Worked All Continents Award. Here is the award from the 30m Digital Group. Note it does not require Antarctica.

Sunday 21 March 2021

500 Japanese Stations Award

Another award, for working 500 Japanese Stations on FT8. Helped no doubt by some of the pileups I've had of JA stations on 10m...

Thursday 18 March 2021

Worked 10 Greek Stations Award

 A new award from the European Ros Club, worked 10 Greek stations.

10 Slovenian Stations Award

 Another award from the FT8 Digital Modes Club, worked 10 Slovenian stations

Saturday 13 March 2021

10 Czech Republic Stations Award

Another award from the FT8 Digital Mode Club, 10 stations from the Czech Republic. 7 of these were on 30m, 2 on 12m and 1 on 17m, so all on the WARC bands.

25 French stations Award

Another award from the FT8 Digital Mode Club, Worked 25 French stations. 18 of these were on 30m. Nice looking award.


Thursday 11 March 2021

Worked All Italian Provinces Award for 30 provinces

Latest award for me, Worked All Italian Provinces Award for 30 provinces on FT8. Getting this award was a bit more complex than others, needing to look up Italian contacts city then try to work out the cities province using google searching. Then entering the province code in the comments.

There are 107 Italian Provinces so still have many more to go to get them all!

One of the more useful references I found was the Wikipedia page

Provinces of Italy - Wikipedia

Thanks for QSOs and award manager.

Monday 8 March 2021

SOTA Tuggeranong Hill VK1/AC-038

 For Monday Canberra day holiday decided to do a SOTA activation in the morning, and try for a S2S with the Andrews VK1AD/VK1DA on Boboyan Range. Picked Tuggeranong Hill as have not done it for some time, since 2016, so time for a revisit.

As per previous activations parked in a side road off Callister Cres in Theodore and walked into the reserve. Sign for the Tuggeranong Hilll Nature Reserve VKFF-0863 is the WWFF reference

The track up Tuggeranong Hill is short but steep. Approaching the top of a small knoll before the main hill on the right.

Approaching the top of Tuggeranong Hill. Think the towers are for Radio/TV/mobile repeater stations for the Tuggeranong valley. Never had interference from them on HF/VHF. Its around a 25 minute walk to the top.

Just past the towers set up on the trig. 2m Slim Jim and 20/40/80m linked dipoles on the squid pole.

Some views from the top. a bit cloudy today, in fact had a light shower driving here but did not last.

Set up the radio on the tarp. The tarp and radio were soon overrun with hundreds of millipedes... They are harmless but proved to be a nuisance during activating, as constantly flicking them off the tarp, myself and the gear. Was worried small enough to crawl inside the radio... a couple close up.

Shack on the tarp, can see lots of millipedes everywhere...

Got on 80 m to try for a park to park with VK3TKK/p Peter in VKFF-2159 Mount Terrick Road Nature Conservation Reserve. By the time I got the antenna links sorted he had gone to 40m... so quickly changed the links and managed to work him on 40m. Had a call from VK3BBB Bruce afterwards so QSYed for a contact, also worked his other call VK3CCP.

Tried 2m FM, 146.5. Worked VK1MA, VK1LH, then VK1AD/p Andrew for a S2S on VK1/AC-044 Boboyan Range, about 40 Km South of me with a good signal. Also worked Andrew VK1DA/p on the same summit

After a contact with VK1FELF went to 40m again, working local VK1TX Tex and VK3GTV Col. 

Following UTC rollover at 11 am local time went to 80m to again work Andrew VK1DA/p for a post UTC rollover S2S contact. Also worked VK3ZPF/p Peter on VK3/VN-030 Mt Strickland, weak but workable. Also VK2IO/p Gerard for a park to park in VKFF-0092 Cattai National Park.

Went to 40m to work a weak park to park with VK4AAC/5 Rob in VKFF-1095 Searcy Bay Conservation Park. This is a remote park past Port Lincoln.

Returned to 2m FM to get the post rollover chasers. Worked VK1MA, VK1FDNK, VK1DB, VK1LH,  VK1FELF, VK1AD/p for a post rollover S2S.

Returned to 40m to work VK7LTD, VK7FAMP, VK2VK and VK7PSJ. As noon packed up and headed down for lunch.


Saturday 6 March 2021

New India Awards

Two more awards for digital mode contacts with India from the European Ros Club

2 Contacts

5 contacts

New Thailand Awards

Some new awards for contacting Thailand on digital modes, recently made available by the European Ros Club. 

2 Thailand contacts

5 Thailand contacts

10 Thailand contacts

Thursday 4 March 2021

2 Singapore Stations Award

Another new award from the European Ros Club, for working 2 stations in Singapore. Quite rare to hear on air.

New Zealand Stations Awards from European Ros Club

Some new awards for contacting New Zealand in digital mode, from the European Ros Club (ERC). Not surprisingly qualified up to the 100 contacts award.

5 stations

15 stations

25 stations

50 stations

75 stations

100 stations

Wednesday 3 March 2021

300 US Stations Award

 Another FT8DMC award, for 300 US stations worked on FT8 mode.