Friday 4 October 2024

100 Countries confirmed on 17m in QRZ logbook

Noticed I've now got 100 countries confirmed in the QRZ Logbook award for 17m. Another Gold star!

I guess 20m is the next band to aim at 100. Although with only 83 it will take a while to achieve.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Antarctica Award

Another award from the European Ros Club, worked 2 stations in Antarctica. From working RI1ANE and VK0HZ.

Sunday 15 September 2024

100 Countries confirmed on 10m QRZ.

After working Laos on 10m I managed to make 100 countries confirmed on qrz logbook, got a gold star...

So 100 contries on 30m and 10m confirmed. Next most likely will be 17m with 98 confirmed.

Friday 13 September 2024

Monday 9 September 2024

WWFF Activator Points 11 points award

On WWFF Logsearch noticed I had qualified for WWFF Activator Points 11 points award. A point is granted for reaching 44 QSOs in a park in the same calendar year.  This can be done from multiple park visits in the same year and the park can be reactivated in the next year. This is good as I have activated all the close by parks already.

Saturday 7 September 2024

National Threatened Species Day Award 2024

 National Threatened Species Day was on the 7th September 2024. An award is available for activating a VKFF park on this day. Headed out to a local park, VKFF-0839 Dunlop Grasslands Nature Reserve, activated okay with 38 contacts and 10 P2Ps. Award follows:

Sunday 1 September 2024

The Pinnacle Nature Reserve VKFF-0862

For National Wattle Day headed off to my local WWFF park, The Pinnacle Nature Reserve VKFF-0862. Activated several times but still good for grabbing P2Ps.

Parked off Springvale Dr in Weetangerra near the water tanks. Sign for the park.

Wattle tree in the park nearby. Fairly common in Canberra.

Headed down the hill to get away from the mobile phone tower here, also to get out of the strong wind. Found an old picket spike, used it to support the squid pole. Set up the radio on the tarp nearby.

Operating spot. Map from Openstreetmaps.

Got on 40m. Good strong signals. Worked a few P2Ps first.

VK2YK/VK5GA in VKFF-0022 Belair National Park
VK2IO in VKFF-1984 Pitt Town Nature Reserve

Worked some park hunters.


VK3PF/VK3KAI in VKFF-2465 Traralgon South Flora Reserve


VK2EG/P in VKFF-1319 Glenrock State Conservation Area

VK5PAS and VK5MAZ in VKFF-4039 Lenger Reserve


Briefly tried 20m. Lots of EU activity but not many calls.


Had enough of the strong wind, packed up and headed home.

National Wattle Day Award