Sunday 25 January 2015

SOTA Goorooyaroo VK1/AC-036

After a dual activation with Matt VK1MA returned to reactivate VK1/AC-036 Goorooyaroo again.
As per last activation drove to the gate with the warning signs about unexploded ordinance. See my last blog entry for here for details.

Walked up the track. Easy enough at first

Got steeper as the track headed up to the summit. Still not too bad, the day was only moderately warm, in the low 20s.

Reached the top after about a half hour walk. Stopped at the warning gate. I could hear explosions from the firing range on the other side of the hill, so wise to stop here...

Set up nearby on a log, dipole legs out to a couple of nearby trees

SOTA shack on the log. Made a comfy seat :)

Just after spotting myself on 40 m Matt VK1MA gave me a call, managed to work a few stations just before UTC rollover. The usual VK2s and VK3s, with a strong signal from Peter VK4JD and VK5s VK5WG and VK5IS.

Got called by Phil VK2HPN/1 having problems hearing me on 40 m so had a contact on 2 m FM on the HT. Worked a S2S with Compton VK2HRX on VK2/HU-093 Mt Elliot.

Tried 20 m. A short contact with Ernie VK3DET, initially strong then faded right out...VK5EE came in with a good signal.

Packed up and headed home, stopping at Dickson shops for lunch. Saw a spot from VK2HPN/1 on 2 m FM on Mt Ainslie, VK1/AC-040, so worked him with a good signal from the hand held. At home later heard him just make 4 contacts to qualify the summit.

Track log of walk.

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