An award for working 10 stations from Slovakia. Getting lots of European awards as the bands are quite good to Europe at the moment, especially 17m.
A blog about Amateur Radio callsign VK1DI Ian's activities on the Amateur Radio bands, mostly Summits On the Air (SOTA) and World Wide Flora and Fauna (WWFF) portable activities.
Thursday, 27 February 2025
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Sunday, 23 February 2025
5 stations from Sri Lanka Award
After a QSO with 4S7SPG had 5 contacts with Sri Lanka. Despite being not far from Australia rarely hear this country on air. Award from the European Ros Club.
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Broulee Island Nature Reserve VKFF-2546
Stopping down the NSW South Coast for a few days, decided to activate a park that does not get visited much, Broulee Island Nature Reserve VKFF-2546. Drove to Broulee, to the end of Harbour Dr where there is a car park for the walk to Broulee Island. After a short walk reached Shark Bay. Walked up to Broulee Island Nature Reserve
The southern side of the island is just rocky platforms and cliffs, so headed to the beaches on the northern side of the island via a narrow walking track. Easy beach walking.
Found a suitable log to support the squid pole, also made a handy bench for the radio and seat.
Looking at the station from the sea
Radio and myself on the log.
Location on OpenStreetMap.
Got on 40m just after UTC rollover. Band quite good with strong signals.
A SOTA/P2P contact with VK2HRX Compton on VK2/SC-051 Durras Mountain. Also in VKFF-0371 Murramarang National Park.
A park to park with VK2GOM Col in VKFF-2698 Parma Creek Nature Reserve
Tried 30m. Also, quite good strong signals.
Tried 20m. Managed to just work VK2GOM Col in VKFF-2698 Parma Creek Nature Reserve, quite weak.
A strong signal from VK5PAS Paul on 20m.
Returned to 30m. Tuning around heard VK4QYS Doug on Lord Howe Island, worked him after he finished with a VK2.
Also worked Alan VK1AO/VK2MET.
Packed up and walked back to the car. Drove to Tomakin for lunch at a cafe.