SOTA in VK1, the ACT commenced on the 1st February 2013. To mark the 10th Anniversary, I activated the same summit as 10 years ago, Mount Majura VK1/AC-034.
Parked off Antill St Watson and started on the walk up Mount Majura. Sign for Mount Majura Nature Reserve. Mountain is on the left.
Walked past a pond, full after recent rain. Lots of frogs audible.
The track joins another track running along the base of the mountain, then took another track up.
The track joins up with another track running along the ridge between Mount Majura and Mount Ainslie.
Some steep bits after here. After 40 minutes reached the summit.
As per other activations set up the squid pole on the round metal thing near the trig. Initially set up the 2m jpole antenna only. SWR did not seem that good, low in the band.

Squid pole on the metal pole.
Got on 2m FM. First contact was VI10SOTA, Andrew VK1DA on VK1/AC-037 Mt Taylor. He was quite weak with QSB, not what I would have expected as Mount Majura is a prime VHF site, should have been full scale?
Also worked VK1MA Matt on VK1/AC-043 Mt Stromlo weak with QSB. Not good.
After being called by VK1RX Al on VK1/AC-032 Castle Hill and barely copying each other, decided to investigate and tried wriggling the coax. He suddenly leapt up to S9. So some poor connection somewhere.
Worked VK1NAM Andrew on VK1/AC-039 Yellow Rabbit Hill, then VK2ARK Andrew on VK1/AC-040 Mt Ainslie, both very strong.
Worked a couple of chasers, VK1ARQ and VK1XP.
Set up the dipole for 40m. SWR quite good at 7.135 Mhz
Radio shack on the concrete base. A little shade welcome as warm in the sun.
Worked VK1FPRV, then another S2S with VK2IO Gerard on VK2/SY-001 Canoelands
VK3PF Peter on VK3/VT-046 Mt Tassie
VK1ACE Rod on VK1/AC-038 Tuggeranong Hill
VK2JDL Phil on VK2/HU-093 Mt Elliot
VK1NAM Andrew again on VK1/AC-039 Yellow Rabbit Hill
VK1MA Matt again on VK1/AC-043 Mt Stromlo
VK2AN Peter at Batemans Bay.
Getting warm in the sun and approaching lunch time. Packed up and headed back down.
For interest, this is my SOTA station 10 years ago. Note the heavy SLA battery. No squid pole, I used a painters extension pole...